Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011


What can you hear me now?

I've tried to forget you until the verge of the horizon!

it's hard to let you go!

what because I have not tried it?

I want to roll back the time and want to mess up the engine so I can not know!

I want to try to reconstruct the memory chips but now has gone like a wind-blown dust

I want to rotate the needle to back into the past

if indeed this is happening

'Why amorous arrows pierce the heart, which now can only change into a hard to forget you'

what does the word sweet is what I give if you repay this?

please hear my longing cry that breaks boundaries

please return my smile ever

please hear me!


please understand me!

why are you always away when I approach you?

useless to go there arrow cupid shot

but now in your heart there's only a 'hatred'

I miss you on?

smile now instead of me but for someone who has been waiting for you out there

such as four-leaved basil

can I just screw up your mood?

so that I could be satisfied!

so you can feel what I feel!

can I just screw up the time machine?

so I can go back without you?


I want to let go of hate and love off!

may I call your name in silence?

I wanted to let you dance in silence

has dripping tears moistened the dry heart

please hear me!

gaze into the black ball in my eyes

there is only stored honesty that is implied

say again now my hand can reach you!

I tired to run and hide in the hypocrisy!

'I could not help aching hearts'

I want to reconstruct the missing piece

in order to become a full puzel which will be ready again broken down by the time

please reach my love!

so I would not fly with a white dove into the horizon

you've colored paint spilled my heart

but what you repay this?

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011


Hehe cuma mau ngeshare foto hm kira2 foto ini udah ditake sekitar sebulan yang lalu cekidooooot
foto diatas foto waktu dimcd hm abis selesai temenin anak2 REDV photosession yang pake baju hitam (David) yang pake baju panjang putih (Vanesa) yg pake dress putih hitam (loreta) nah gue yang mana hayooooo?:p yup yang pake jaket merah hihihiwww
Hm kalo foto yang (eh tunggu ini fotonya letaknya disamping yak?hehe)yaudah kalo foto yg disamping ini sama aja sih cuma ditambah sama yang pake jaket biru tosca gitu namanya Dafi! dia adek adekan gue yakebetulan dia juga temen sekelas gue hehe.
Nah kalo yang ini sama sibaju putih namanya Rekky hehe dia sahabat gue ihiiiiiiiw yaudah cuma mau share ini aja hehe byeeeee

Who have gone:''''''(

To someone there

What you do not know what I feel now? I'm so sad, you shut up and move away when I need you now. I could only find a shadow my side, but now all just likened to a dream, just a small problem to make you so angry with me,

many other people out there who always say "that you are capable of without him" now what can I? shadow you always follow me, what am I redundant? but here's what I feel, I might not be able to say directly to you because you always think there never was, even now you have deleted a part of me from your life.
I can not say anything because I'm sure you've found some "missing pieces of the first ' God just now, you may never have some affection or love towards me.

I really can not be what you want but I want to be the best for you, I always pray that you will always be someone who is successful, I'd like to see someone who will be happy and successful with what you do now.

I created this article because I am confused how can I express what I feel, I was very surprised when you choose someone that is out there, yes I was very disappointed and sad but that's your choice, I really have to give what I can give to you but I'm not going to bring what I've given you.

let all the memories that are stored neatly, I can still remember how you call my name, I can still remember how you got angry with me, everything is so funny, how you can fill my days with humor and your laughter, there is one who never I forgot that 'when you cheer me' yes, when I'm bored as much as possible you will be comforted by the antics and adorable than you.

once again I was a nobody, I did not 'tied' anything with you, but it never hurts whether you can repay all the kindness which I have given?

I learned a lot from you, though eventually we will never be together again, because the way our thinking is different, our properties are different and maybe I should be able to end this letter.

if you read it I hope you know what I think, and I think now, I can only say 'sorry' what will keep silent when you see me? thanks for everything

with love

Thank God I Found You

I would give up everything

Before I'd seperate

myself from you

After so much suffering

I finally found unvarished truth

I was all by myself

For the longest time

So cold inside

And the hurt from the heartache

Would not subside

I felt like dying

Until you saved my life


Thank God I found you

I was lost without you

My every wish and every dream

Somehow became reality

When you brought the sunlight

Completed my whole life

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude

My babay I'm so thankful

I found you

* I will give you everything

There's nothing in this world

I wouldn't do

To insure your happiness

I cherish every part of you

'Cause without you beside me

I can't survive

Don't want to try

If you're keepin me warm

Each and every night

I'll be alright

Because I need you in my life

*Repeat Chorus*

See I was so desolate

Before you came to me

Looking back i guess

It shows that we were

Destined to shine

After the rain, to appreciate

The gift of what we have

And I'd go through it all over again

To be able to feel this way

* Repeat Chorus*


Hehe cuma mau share foto study tour Bandung beberapa bulan lalu woaaa jadi kangen hehe

Hm i'm sorry God (˘̩̩̩_˘̩̩̩)

Guys:'''''( ternyata cari uang itu susaaaaah 'BANGET' jadi waktu kemarin tanggal 6 hm hari kamis gitu,gue sama temen temen gue mau cari tempat prakerin. Ya didaerah Jakarta gitu kalian tau guys panasnya ibu kota Jakarta itu kayak apa:'''''( Guys yang gue salut temen-temen gue tetep masih semangat walaupun mereka sebenernya capek! Guys gue jadi melow nih,iya karena gue pas saat itu juga kepikiran sm orang tua gue,gue engga ngebayangin gemana mereka beratnya cari kerja untuk ngedapetin uang buat hidupin gue,adik gue dan nyokap gue;''''( Guys gue jadi keingetan juga sama ibu guru canti 'Ibu Windy' beliau bilang 'makanya kamu harus rajin belajar yas,ilmu yang didapet itu harus bisa diserap' Mah Pah maafin tias ya kalo tias cuma bisa minta minta dan minta sama kalian tanpa tau perjuangan kalian kayak gemana;''''''( maafin tias ya,tias belom bisa kasih apa2 buat kalian:''''( bismillah pelan2 tias mau bahagiain kalian. God i'm sorry kalo selama ini hambaMu suka angot angotan kalo sekolah,maaf bangeeeeeeet Tuhan:''''( saya tidak akan lagi2 deh. Oya cari kerja itu susah banget ya ternyata,takut deh kalo misalnya nanti abis selesai sekolah,terus kuliah hm kalo gitu gue bisa beruntung langsung dpt kerja haduuuuuh takut banget asli,tapi katanya sih semua itu tergantung jalan nasibnya masing2. Tapi gue yakin kalo nasib itu bisa diubah kalo hambanya mau!Yayaya berarti tergantung dari hambanya juga dong!kalo dia udah niat pasti bisa. Oke sekarang itu intinya kalo gak usaha dan diiringi dengan doa mana mungkin Tuhan mau ngabulin hehe,oke last pray 'hopefully blessings be with us all' amiiiiiiiin


Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Happy Birthday too youuuu({})

Happy birthday to dear brother, I'm sorry to say it first, I made a little surprise for you, hope you like it and I can only make it for you hehe, my prayer for you is success and hopefully you can reach the ideals of what you I sure wish you could, and hopefully we can meet amen I love you