Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Who have gone:''''''(

To someone there

What you do not know what I feel now? I'm so sad, you shut up and move away when I need you now. I could only find a shadow my side, but now all just likened to a dream, just a small problem to make you so angry with me,

many other people out there who always say "that you are capable of without him" now what can I? shadow you always follow me, what am I redundant? but here's what I feel, I might not be able to say directly to you because you always think there never was, even now you have deleted a part of me from your life.
I can not say anything because I'm sure you've found some "missing pieces of the first ' God just now, you may never have some affection or love towards me.

I really can not be what you want but I want to be the best for you, I always pray that you will always be someone who is successful, I'd like to see someone who will be happy and successful with what you do now.

I created this article because I am confused how can I express what I feel, I was very surprised when you choose someone that is out there, yes I was very disappointed and sad but that's your choice, I really have to give what I can give to you but I'm not going to bring what I've given you.

let all the memories that are stored neatly, I can still remember how you call my name, I can still remember how you got angry with me, everything is so funny, how you can fill my days with humor and your laughter, there is one who never I forgot that 'when you cheer me' yes, when I'm bored as much as possible you will be comforted by the antics and adorable than you.

once again I was a nobody, I did not 'tied' anything with you, but it never hurts whether you can repay all the kindness which I have given?

I learned a lot from you, though eventually we will never be together again, because the way our thinking is different, our properties are different and maybe I should be able to end this letter.

if you read it I hope you know what I think, and I think now, I can only say 'sorry' what will keep silent when you see me? thanks for everything

with love

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